Could we use AI in our organization?

Let us help you answer that question. Applai propel organizations forward by enabling them to utilize the powers of AI. First step is to know what solutions are out there and how to use them in a safe and efficient way.

Send us an email at and let's discuss what kind of session you need.

Our Mission

Unlock the Benefits of AI with Applai

At Applai, we understand that the world is in a state of transformation and that businesses are looking to leverage the power of AI to improve efficiency and stay competitive. However, not everyone has a deep understanding of AI technology. That's where we come in.

Our mission is to make AI accessible to everyone, regardless of technical background. We'll work with you to identify the areas of your business where AI can have the most impact, and show you how to implement it with minimal effort. Whether you're looking to improve processes, increase revenue, or stay ahead of the competition, Applai can help you achieve your goals today, and prepare you for the future of AI.

Trusted by companies like

How can we help?

Most people have probably seen OpenAI's ChatGPT in action by now. Maybe they have asked it to write a funny message to one of their co-workers or something similar. It's pretty mind-blowing, but often it doesn't go further than that. Many people have yet to move on from this first "Wow" phase and actually start using AI tools in their daily work. Therefore, we don't want to give you a high-level introduction to ChatGPT and other tools.

We create tailored material for your industry, company, and daily tasks so that we can work together on how to work smarter in your daily setting by using AI. We will also cover important areas for using AI for business purposes such as data privacy, confidentiality, and security.

Some examples of how we can help companies get started using AI in their daily work include:

  • Presentations at larger team meetings introducing new AI tools, including examples from daily tasks and the work done to see how to start working smarter. The participants will walk out of the room inspired to use AI in their work, with a small toolbox to start applying right away, and having seen examples of how AI can be used in their work.
  • Workshops with teams on how they can specifically use AI tools for more advanced or creative tasks. We'll map the daily tasks together, identify the most time-consuming ones as well as the ones with the highest potential for using AI. After the workshop, the participants will have a clear mapping of how they can use AI in their work and have already tried it for themselves — ready to start using AI in their work on Monday morning.
  • Webinar packages for online learning are available whenever it suits your employees. For larger companies, it might not be an option to ask all employees to join hour-long presentations and workshops. Instead, webinars are a great way for everyone to learn at their own pace, whenever it suits them. We offer webinar packages that include a general introduction to AI, in-depth learning tailored to each department, and advice on how to get started with clear-cut AI use cases. We can also tailor webinars specifically to meet your organization's needs.
  • Guidance on tool selection and implementation consulting to help you decide on the best tools for specific tasks. We can offer advice on selecting tools, as well as modifying or developing AI solutions specifically tailored to your needs. You'll obtain the best tool for your specific need, whether it's already available or requires a custom development.
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And let's discuss what session you need

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